Legal Notice
SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA, responsible for the website, makes this document available to users, with which it intends to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), BOE No. 166, as well as informing all users of the Website about the conditions of use.
Any person accessing this Website assumes the role of user, committing to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provisions that may be applicable.
SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the Website, without any obligation to give prior notice or inform users of such obligations, with publication on the SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA Website being deemed sufficient.
NIF: A70941299
Domicilio social: Calle Castelló n.º 32, 1º Dcha, - 28001 Madrid
Datos de inscripción en el Registro Mercantil: Tomo 29.917, Folio 146, Hoja M-53844, Registro Mercantil de Madrid.
The present TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE regulate the terms and conditions of access and use of https://www.santaana.globaL, hereinafter the "Website", property of SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA that the user of the Website must read and accept in order to
use all the services and information provided from the Website.
The user, as well as SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA, owner of the Website, may be jointly referred to as the parties.
Mere access to or use of the Website, all or part of its contents and services, implies full acceptance of these terms of use. The provision and use of the Website is understood to be subject to strict compliance with the terms set out in these terms of use of the Website.
These terms and conditions of use of the Website, hereinafter "TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE" regulate the access and use of the Website, including the content and services made available to users on and/or through the Website, either by SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA or by its users or by any third party. However, access and use of certain content and/or services may be subject to certain specific conditions.
SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA reserves the right to modify these TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE at any time. In any case, it is recommended that you consult them periodically, as they may be modified.
Users can access different types of information and services through the Website. SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the information and services offered from the Website. The user expressly acknowledges and accepts that at any time SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA may interrupt, deactivate and/or cancel any information or service. SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA will make its best efforts to try to guarantee the availability and accessibility of the Website. However, sometimes, for maintenance reasons, the Website may be subject to a change of configuration and configuration.
SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA does not guarantee the continuous and permanent availability of the services, and is therefore exonerated from any liability for possible damages caused as a result of the lack of availability of the service due to force majeure or errors in the telematic data transfer networks, beyond its control, or due to disconnections carried out for improvement or maintenance work on the computer equipment and systems.
In such cases, SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA will make its best efforts to restore the services to full availability and to notify any potential lack of availability thereof. SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA shall not be liable for any interruption, suspension or termination of information or services. It shall also not be liable for any possible omissions, loss of information, data, configurations, improper access or breach of confidentiality arising from technical problems, communications problems or human omissions caused by third parties or not attributable to SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA. SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA shall also not be liable for damages caused by computer attacks or viruses affecting computer programs, communications systems or equipment used by SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA but manufactured or provided by a third party.
SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA may, at its sole discretion, deny, withdraw, suspend and/or block at any time and without prior notice access to information and services to those users who fail to comply with these rules.
Except in cases where the Law expressly imposes otherwise, and exclusively to the extent and extent imposed, SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for any possible damages caused by the use and utilization of the information, data and services of the Website.
In any case, SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA is excluded from any liability for damages that may be due to information and/or services provided or supplied by third parties other than SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA. All liability will lie with the third party, whether supplier or collaborator.
The user must comply at all times with these TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE. The user expressly declares that he/she will use the Website diligently and assume any liability that may arise from non-compliance with the rules.
In cases where data or information is requested, the user undertakes not to falsify his or her identity by pretending to be any other person. The user accepts that the use of the Website will be carried out for strictly personal, private and individual purposes. The user may not use the Website for activities contrary to the Law, morality and public order, as well as for prohibited purposes or those that violate or harm the rights of third parties.
Likewise, the dissemination, storage and/or management of data or content that infringes the rights of third parties or any regulations governing intellectual or industrial property rights is prohibited.
The user may not use the Website to transmit, store, disclose, promote or distribute data or content that contains viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or harm the operation of any computer or telecommunications program or equipment.
The user undertakes to indemnify and hold SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA harmless from any damage, loss, sanction, fine, penalty or compensation that SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES SA may have to pay as a result of the user's failure to comply with the obligations contained in this document.
La información o datos personales que facilite el usuario serán tratados con arreglo a lo establecido en la Política de Privacidad incluida en este Sitio Web
Si quiere conocer nuestra política de Cookies lea atentamente la Política de Cookies incluida en este Sitio Web
SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES S.A no garantiza ni asume ningún tipo de responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios sufridos por el acceso a Servicios de terceros a través de conexiones, vínculos o links de los sitios enlazados ni sobre la exactitud o fiabilidad de los mismos. La función de los enlaces que aparecen es exclusivamente la de informar al usario sobre la existencia de otras fuentes de información en Internet, donde podrá ampliar los servicios ofrecidos por el Portal. SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES S.A no será en ningún caso responsable del resultado obtenido a través de dichos enlaces o de las consecuencias que se deriven del acceso por los usuarios a los mismos. Estos servicios de terceros son proporcionados por éstos, por lo que SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES S.A no puede controlar y no controla la licitud de los servicios ni su calidad. En consecuencia, el usuario debe extremar la prudencia en la valoración y utilización de la información y servicios existentes en los contenidos de terceros.
Todos los contenidos, marcas, logos, dibujos, documentación, programas informáticos o cualquier otro elemento susceptible de protección por la legislación de propiedad intelectual o industrial, que sean accesibles en el Sitio Web corresponden exclusivamente SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES S.A o a sus legítimos titulares y quedan expresamente reservados todos los derechos sobre los mismos. Queda expresamente prohibida la creación de enlaces de hipertexto (links) a cualquier elemento integrante del Sitio Web sin la autorización de SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES S.A. siempre que no sean a un apartado del Sitio Web que no requiera identificación o autenticación para su acceso, o el mismo esté restringido.
En cualquier caso, SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES S.A se reserva todos los derechos sobre los contenidos, información datos y servicios que ostente sobre los mismos. SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES S.A no concede ninguna licencia o autorización de uso al usuario sobre sus contenidos, datos o servicios, distinta de la que expresamente se detalle en los presentes SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES S.A.
Los presentes TERMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE USO DE SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES S.A. se rigen y se interpretan de acuerdo con las Leyes de España. Para cualquier reclamación serán competentes los juzgados y tribunales del territorio español. Todas las notificaciones, requerimientos, peticiones y otras comunicaciones que el Usuario desee efectuar a SANTA ANA GLOBAL ENTERPRISES S.A. titular del presente Sitio Web, deberán realizarse por escrito y se entenderá que han sido correctamente realizadas cuando hayan sido recibidas en la siguiente dirección